“Eastern North Carolina and the 1918 Influenza Epidemic” Lecture on Monday, October 28

As part of the Ruth and John Moskop History of Medicine Lecture Series, the Medical History Interest Group invites you to attend Eastern North Carolina and the 1918 Influenza Epidemic on October 28. This lecture, presented by Layne Carpenter, MA, Archivist at Laupus Library, begins at 4:30p.m. in the Evelyn Fike Laupus Gallery, fourth floor Laupus Library.

The Topic:

As the Great War came to an end in the fall of 1918, a lethal disease spread across the globe. By the time the epidemic concluded in March 1919, more people died from the “Spanish” Influenza than died in the war, including an estimated 13,000 North Carolinians. This lecture will explore the deadly influenza virus strain and its rampage throughout the eastern counties of North Carolina. The impact on eastern North Carolina society, medical care, and public health will also be explored by examining primary sources from the period.

The Speaker:

Layne Carpenter is the Archivist at Laupus Library. She completed her undergraduate degree in history at Westminster College and her MA in history and public history at UNC Charlotte. Layne has worked with special collections and museums for over nine years and has been with Laupus Library for two years. Making history accessible to the public has always been her passion and she loves researching history, no matter the time period. After designing an exhibition about the Spanish Influenza last fall, this topic has become her latest area of study.

More information:

This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided.

The lecture will also feature a pop-up display.

Directions and parking information.

If you’d like to travel by bus from Main Campus, take bus 302 from the Main Campus Student Center to the Allied Health Sciences Building. Click here for the 302 bus schedule.

Lectures may be video recorded.

Learn more about the MHIG lectures and view an archive of previous recordings.